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Why Presentify?

There are a lot of solutions for presenting in mdx, such as, next-mdx-deck, mdx-deck but none of them are in pure react. Here are some advantages of this approach:

MDX based

Presentify utilizes the MDX format to efficiently store and arrange your presentation slides in a single plain text file. This allows you to concentrate on creating your content without worrying about formatting.

Integration with existing projects

Because Presentify uses pure react, it can be added very quickly to existing projects if we need a presentation in it.


Presentify is built with Emotion, which allows you to easily customize the appearance of your presentation. For code highlighting, Presentify uses Prism, so you can easily use dark and light theme.

Developer experience

Presentify is powered by Vite, which provides a lightning-fast dev experience and allows you to use React Fast Refresh to instantly preview your changes. You can easily build your presentation for production with a single command.


Presentify is built with MDX and React, which means you can use any React component in your presentation.